There’s still some summer left …

Holly at Lucite Box vintage tipped me off that she is having a sale … 15% off any item on the site using the voucher code madmen. The sale started today and runs through Saturday 8/22.

I am such a sucker for large-scale plaids and this dress is a doozy. Plus, it’s B40/W29, which is a forgiving size … especially for some of our much more well-endowed friends. and only $60, or just $51 on sale!

I would wear this with little flat shoes and a white or pink cardigan, and an ice-cream cone. The ice-cream cone is the vital accessory for this dress. I recommend mint-chocolate-chip, the bright green chemical kind, for contrast, or maybe even rainbow sherbet, if you want to be all matchy-matchy. and a bicycle. I would certainly add a bicycle. A Schwinn “Breeze” by preference, but that’s really up to you. (They come in yellow …)

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I’ll Fly AwayApril 1, 2008
If I Were A Betting WomanOctober 7, 2010In “Award show Dresses”
Days of Miracles and WondersMay 13, 2008

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